"If you cannot control your anger you are helpless
Like A city without walls…..,Open to attack."
"A fool gives full vent to his anger…..!!!,
But a wise man keeps himself…….under control."
Someone said, "Your temper is one of your most
Valuable Possessions. So……..Don't lose it."
"Anybody can become angry…..that is very easy,
But to be angry with the right person,
to the right degree,
at the right time,
for the right purpose,
& in the right way……
that is not within everybody's power…....& is not easy."
If we can't control our anger……,It will control us.
When anger is turned inward…., it leads to depression.
When it is turned outward…., it leads to aggression.
Anger is like a splinter in your finger. If you leave it there,
It gets infected & hurts every time you use your finger.
If you remove it……, the sore heals & you feel better.